White House Down (3/18/24)

 White House Down

This movie was pretty good but it was also the dumbest thing I've ever watched. Now I know that there are a LOT of unrealistic movies but I think this is possibly the MOST unrealistic thing I have ever watched. The basis of the movie is terrorists take over the white house and John Cale has to protect the presidents and stop the terrorism. Lets just start by talking about how these terrorists even got into the white house undetected. There is no way in reality ANYONE is getting into the white house without being known. 

Second, lets talk about how one guy is taking down groups of terrorists by himself. He has a handgun and they have full automatic rifles and numbers. For me, this movie is John Wick on steroids. Can we also talk about the part how the terrorists magically have access to literally everything but the nuclear codes? How do they have access to all these ballistic missiles when they don't have access to armories or anything? Also the fact that these terrorists went hand for hand with practically the entire U.S military is WILD. That would never happen. An event like this would be ended quickly.


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